Knock, knock...wait...little feet scurry to the door and slowly the heavy door is opened by the tiny hand of an eager three-year old. "NANI!...Nani, Nani...come in...see my picture!...wanna play?...I missed you...wanna color?...come in my's my yellow M & M costume...wanna play with beads and kitchen things?...can we go to the playground? can touch my pink-trick-r-treat-bucket...see the pumpkins we made?...what's that? (bending over to get a close-up view of a smashed bug)...that's yucky!'on, let's go! sit in that swing and I'll sit in this swing and swing by myself...swing high, Nani!...higher!...come over here and sit on the horse and I'll sit on the lion...go I want to sit on the horse and you sit on the lets find sticks on the ground and put them in my pink-trick-r-treat-bucket...look at this's a rock...I have seven sticks and rocks...let's go down the slide with the stay down, Nani, cause you're too big for this slide...I'm little cause I'm a kid...let's climb over here...climb, Nani..."
And so it goes...every time I visit Asha. There isn't a sweeter exhaustion.